Monday, February 28, 2011

Marriage Monday: Even Though

"I learned a long time ago that most people, including me, go through times when we are not very lovable. We get beaten up by stress, discouraged by our lack of success, overburdened by work, underpaid, sick or whatever. For short or long periods of time, we need to be loved even though we don't merit it."

-Finding The Love of Your Life by Neil Clark Warren, PhD.

You can find my other Marriage Monday posts here.

Image found on google images.


bedelia said...

That's me during pregnancy. Poor husband. :)

Heidi said...

Ditto to what bedelia said. I want to add though, I think it helps when we can at least acknowledge that things are off and that they will get better.

Hermana Maw said...

That's me when I can't write, when the kids are sick, and when I don't know what to make for dinner. I'm so glad my hubby loves me through it. :)

AdriansCrazyLife said...

I went to a Date Night seminar with Matt Townsend this weekend. He spoke at Casual Bloggers Conf. Funny guy and a great speaker. Had a lot of good advice, including focusing on the positive in your relationship. Good seminar.