Monday, February 27, 2012

Marriage Monday: 3 Small Ways To Make A BIG Difference In Your Marriage (guest post)

Why is it that the person we love, care about, and trust the most, can also hurt us or make us feel sad more than anyone else? The answer is simple. It is not so much what our spouse or partner does, it is our expectations and our hurt that the person that we trust to protect us and love us more than anyone else could ever do something that would make us feel bad.
I have discovered three very simple things that have made a world of difference in my own relationship, and have seen how it can help in others’ relationships as well. I do want to warn that while the concepts are very easy, the actual doing them can be very hard when emotions are running high. They become easier and easier with practice and result in more understanding and less hurt.

1. Ask For Your Needs To Be Met
2. Use “I” Statements
3. Be First To Say, “I’m Sorry”

My hope would be that we can all overcome that sense of pride that drives a wedge between us and our partners and just find the courage to ask for what we need, use I statements, and say I’m sorry and validate our partners; and I know that those three simple things make a world of difference in relationships.

**Please check out the full article here (3 Small Ways to Make a BIG Difference in Your Marriage by Haylee Heyn)**

This article is used with permission from Julie de Azevedo Hanks, owner of Wasatch Family Therapy.

Julie de Azevedo Hanks, MSW, LCSW is a licensed therapist specializing in relationship counseling and women’s emotional health. In addition to owning Wasatch Family Therapy, she is a wife and mother of 4. For more relationship resources visit or

You can find my other Marriage Monday's here.

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