Title: Grow Your Marriage By Leaps And Boundaries
Author: Jerry L. Cook, PhD, CFLE
Genre: Marriage, Self-Help
Release Date: Dec 2012
ISBN: 13: 9781462110698
Publisher: Plain Sight Publishing & Cedar Fort
Pages: 176
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My review:
Sometimes it's easy to assume that because you're married your spouse understands you completely or maybe at least where you're coming from. This book brings to surface many discussions we should have with our spouse to remember or often times establish boundaries that will help strengthen marriage.
Things I liked!
+good variety of topics
+At the end of each chapter are several questions and activities to further look into the boundaries and review the lessons learned in each chapter.
+The fun list of date ideas at the end of the book.
Excerpt I liked:
"Proper boundaries serve as our moral 'smoke detectors,' letting us know when there is danger. But just like smoke detectors, boundaries need to be checked, maintained, and placed correctly to be most effective. If you've ever had a smoke detector that was oversensitive or didn't work even when the house was filled with smoke, you know that lack of detection or a 'false negative' in detecting smoke to be annoying at best, and very dangerous at worst.
Drawing boundaries, and knowing where those boundaries are, allows them to serve as guides in our marriage. One way that boundaries are formed is through the expectations or standards that each spouse has for their marriage, themselves, and their spouse. The higher and more clear the standards are in a marriage, the more clear the boundary is. These expectations or standards can involve communicating with each other, physical affection and the emotional investment each spouse makes."
About the book (from the back cover): In a marriage, you have to know where to draw the lines. Growth is essential in keeping a healthy, satisfied relationship with your spouse, but a marriage's growth can be stunted through difficulties with financial concerns, physical relations, and parenting decisions. Marriage expert Jerry Cook has a breakthrough approach to marriage that turns these difficult decisions into progress, bringing you and your spouse closer than you ever were before.
Discover -How to use boundaries to strengthen -not limit- your relationship. -What daily practices will bring you closer together. -What you can do when your spouse is unwilling to change. Encouraging and uplifting, Grow Your Marriage by Leaps and Boundaries is perfect for new and longtime couples looking to move forward in their relationships.
Buy It:
Thanks for the book review. This sounds like something I should check out. Or maybe this would be a good bridal shower/wedding gift.
Thanks for the review on this book! I'd never heard of it before. Would be interested to know some of the date ideas that they have listed in the end of the book. Hoping I win so I can find out what they are!
This is a cool giveaway!
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