Monday, December 14, 2009

Stuff & movies about books

Bree Despains book comes out in about 7 days my friends. If you're interested she's having a "huge frakkin giveaway" you should go enter. In similar news I've made my very first ever book trailer in honor of said book. Give me a break, I was trying to get it done before the kids woke up and now that I know how to fix it I dont want to repost it because I'll loose my beloved 30 views. Haha. Tell me, doesnt this make you want to read it though? Anyone wanna be nice and rate it on youtube for me?

My cousin is trying to reach a milestone. She needs your help. C'mon guys, it's Christmas! All she's asking for is a follower. Or five. I'm not kidding when I say you won't regret it. I view her blog like I would my morning cartoons (if I read them), brilliant and funny. Go now.


Barbaloot said...

I love the idea of book trailers. And yes-that does make me want to read it:)

Jenni Elyse said...

Ever since you started talking about Bree's book, I've wanted to read it. I try to keep up with all of Brodi's writer friends, but it's so hard. So, I didn't think anything of Bree's book until you started touting it. Your trailer's pretty cool! :)

Debbie said...

I also love a good book trailer! I'd never even heard of them until this year.

Anonymous said...

That's an awesome trailer, Debbie! I'm so thrilled about TDD that I can hardly wait. It's the biggest item on my Christmas list this year.

Olivia Carter said...

Great trailer! If I can figure out how to rate it I totally will b/c it's RAD!

And last I looked Bordi hit 100 followers. SO FUN!

Brodi Ashton said...

Thanks for the shoutout! I swear half of my followers are friends of yours.