Amber over at
Seriously Amber Lynae (who just got an adorably cute new bloggy makeover) gave me this fun award.
This award has 4 requirements:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award, list her blog (or his) and link.
2. List 10 honest things about yourself and post a copy of the Honest Scrap Logo on your blog.
3. Pass the award on to seven (7) other people whose blogs you find brilliant in content or design.
4. Notify the bloggers you choose for the award and hopefully they will join in.
So I'm awarding it on to these lovely ladies:
~HK has two blogs I enjoy reading. It's fun getting inspired by her stories.
~Erin always has such great topics on her blog that really spark the talking. Go check it out!
~Melanie is my bestest friend from school and she's expecting her first baby any day now. I'm so super excited for her.
~Von and I hung out at the Moms Who Make It Conference. It was so fun getting to know her IRL. She's one awesome (and funny!) chica.
~Val of the South and I met at Crash's blog lunch but we were at opposite ends of the table. Not cool. So it's been fun getting to know her now through her blog. Plus she's got the human calendar thingy.
Victoria is amazing! She writes incredibly beautiful music, makes/caters deliciously looking food, and is really involved in life. I love her blog so much I often go back to read past posts that happened before I was a follower.
~Jenni is my dear friend whom I've had many a great adventures with these last few years. Guess what I'm gonna see on Sat? Thats right Harry Potter baby (she'd be so proud of me).
And on with the show (if you're still interested), seven truths about me.
1. I sometimes like to eat my plain potato chips with ketchup. Yeah, I know, but it's not like I woke up one morning and thought 'I bet that's delicious'. I was a kid, and I thought it was like french fries. And it is. Kinda.

2. I hate lettuce in my food. I eat salad, but I can't stand lettuce mixed in. I ask for it to be removed usually because besides that I hate it, it drives me crazy when they shred it and I can't pick off those freakishly small pieces (mainly my sandwiches and hamburgers).
3. Last year I read 107 books in 52 weeks.
4. When I was 15 I used to work at Snowbird Ski Resort. Sometimes my friend and I would get off work late and we'd miss the last bus down the mountain. So, we hitch hiked. (Every single kind soul who picked us up told us it was a good thing it was them giving us a ride because there are a lot of Ted Bundy's out there.)
5. I am a movie junkie. We own well over 300 DVD's. Plus we canceled our television and subscribed to Netflix about a year ago and other than the occasional show (read So You Think You Can Dance) I'm really not missing it. Movies is where it's at. I usually watch a handful a week.

6. My emphasis in college was Marriage Enrichment. I have a few shelves of books dedicated to the subject.
7. My favorite flower is the Calla Lily.
8. In 5th grade I tried to learn to play the saxapone. I didn't. In 7th grade I tried to learn the piano. I didn't. In several grades I tried to learn to sing. I almost did. Turns out I can't read notes.
9. If I have to run errands I do it in the morning. By the afternoon my mind is mush, my body is slowing down and my kids are more susceptible to crankiness. Plus there are more people out by then.
10. I dont like sleeping with many blankets. Just one is enough for me. And usually two pillows.