Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Are you on your best behavoir in public?

When in public, it might do you some good to remember:

~If your companies name and phone number are printed on the side of your truck it might not be a good idea to be littering out the window.

~When going fishing (in this case sitting on a log) just be aware that those of us walking past you on the boardwalk are gonna be looking at your tooshy because your pants are a few inches to short to cover that thong you're wearing.

Have you noticed anything like this? What have you seen in public?


Kristina P. said...

Oh, goodness. I can't think of anything right now.

My husband's cousin's family went camping with us one year and one of the cousins let their little boy basically poop in the lake. It was horrible.

Amber Lynae said...

Oh geez, you gotta love people don't you. Well I guess you don't. Some people just don't think before they do.

Rochelle Brunson said...

The thong person probably did it on purpose!

I can't think of anything specific right off, but pretty much every time I go to walmart I am appalled by someones bad behavior!

Jillene said...

I am ALWAYS seeing plumbers crack. I don't know what it is but I swear it's everywhere I go....even the grocery store!!

duff said...

I have seen people either cough or sneeze into their hands and then resume pushing the shopping cart--that grosses me out----or cough or sneeze into their hands and go right back to the computer keyboard--please cough into your elbow!

Jenni Elyse said...

Ha ha! Yeah, I notice those things all the time. At work, we had a health fair and someone had a quarter slot. My co-worker and I tried to keep our eyes away, but sometimes you just have to stare and think, "Do you not realize your butt is hanging out of your pants?"

Victoria said...

A naked lifeguard! Just last Monday! Yikes!!!

Me (aka Danielle) said...

The people that get me are the ones that pick their noses while driving. Umm..Hello! We can still see you!

Lucy postpartumillness.com said...

I laughed the other day at this truck that was carrying hazardous material. The sign said this truck stops at all railroad crossings. This truck will on the other hand swerve over 3 lanes at one time to make an exit that he missed. Chancing a roll over and explosion.
