Entry #1 The Walnut Tree
Entry #2 The Memorial Garden

Entry #3 Special Box
Entry #4 Stained Glass Window

Entry #5 Dark Divine Chocolate Surprise

To Vote:
Leave a comment stating which cake you like the best (either by entry number or description).
Fine print:
Voting will be open to the everyone until Saturday at 2pm MST.
All cakes will remain anonymous until the winners are announced Saturday Feb 13th 2009.
entry #1
Entry 1
but 4 is pretty cool too
#4 all the way. How do they do that?
Entry #4 Stained Glass Window
I liked them all, but I really enjoyed the simple but realistic aproach
I'm not going to vote since I have an entry, but I wanted to say great work everyone--very cool ideas I never thought of. =)
They're all cool, but I have to vote for Entry #4
I am a fan for the Walnut Tree, cake #1. It could be all about my penchant for purple, but that's my choice at any rate!
I love #4, it's beautiful!
I liked the Dark Chocalate Surprise, but have to vote f or #4 the Stained Glass Window, mainly because the father in Nicholas Spark's The Last Song is making a Stained Glass Window for a Church and I love stained glass windows.
#4 is my favorite. Followed closely by #1
I'm voting for #4. The Stained Glass is gorgeous!
I also really liked the purple layers in the Dark Divine Chocolate Surprise. They're awesome!
They're all nice, but I'll vote for number 4.
I love #1 although I do enjoy #5 too. #1 is just such a recognizable symbol that really represents the book.
My vote is for the stained glass cake.
They all look DELISH! Number 4 is my fave though! Closely followed by Number 1
My vote is for #4. All of them are well done.
It's between Dark Divine Chocolate Surprise and Stained Glass Window.
They all look so good. They're making me hungry.
I like the stained glass one, and I loved the inside of the chocolate surprise one. Very cool.
#5, just cuz
#4 is my favorite. They are all great but there is just something about the stain glass look
#4 is my vote!!
all 6 is great though, congrats to all the entrants!
Now I'm craving cake. =) They all look so amazing. Good job, everyone!
My vote is for Entry #1.
While I agree that the stained glass is definitely cool...I'm going to be a rebel and vote for number 2. If that thing is hand sculpted, well, that's incredible. And with the stakes around the sides, I tend to think it's hand done.
If it's plastic, not so much. But I'm believing it's edible at this point.
The stained glass has to take the cake. Nice job to the others, but that one is just awesome!
#5 is my favorite, although it's really close with all of them!
I vote for cake #1. It's creepy and beautiful! =]
Wow, they are all incredible. If I must choose one I will say...
#5, cause I really want a piece! It looks so yummy!
#1! Says it all.
Number 1 the tree.
I like #1 the best. I think they're all great, though. My next favorite is the chocolate surprise. I love this book just because of all the purpleness!
PS - I want to know if they taste as good as they look!
I feel a little bad entering this contest in a way because 1-I haven't read the book yet, so I don't even know which one might represent the book best. And 2-They're all so amazing! I feel like I'm voting /against/ 4 awesome cakes! :o(
I'm pretty sure Nichole is right about #2 - when you look at the full-size version, you can see thumb prints in the angel's wings. I'm pretty sure that's hand-carved.
However, I'm going to have to vote for #4, just because it took my breath away when I saw it.
Great job everyone, though!!
I think they are all great, but if I have to vote, I'll go for #4.
My vote goes to #1!!! ...Closely followed by #4 & #3! Awesome cakes guys!!
I vote for #1. Very neat.
I'd have to say #4. It's beautiful and so creative.
As for decorating #4, but I love #5inside. They are all amazing.
Difficult, it's a toss up between #1 and #4. They're both beautiful, but I'm especially impressed by the round cake (shape), so my final vote has to go to #1.
Wow - all those cakes are so cool. I think I like entry #4 the most. That stained glass is awesome.
Love #4 Awesome job on all the cakes.
I love Cake #1, but have to vote for the stained glass #4. How was that even done? BTW, we're going to read Dark Divine in Bookclub due to the fabulous Variety - YAY!
They are all gorgeous, but I can't resist the purple loveliness of #1! :)
love #5
#1 because I could never make a tree look that good!
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