It's much easier for me to stay up late. The kids go to bed, and mommy plays! :) Thats when I pull out my projects. Or read. Or catch up on a movie I've been wanting to see. Usually no matter what it is I'm doing I wind it up around midnight. I try to go bed earlier. I just can't do it captain.

There are some things I have to do in the morning though. Like if I dont make it to the grocery store before 10am I'll wait and go the next day (collegetown gets busy around these parts and I try to avoid the crowds as much as possible). Or doctors appointments. I hate waiting in the waiting room for two hours. Those morning appointments are all I ever do.
What about you, are you a morning person or night owl?
I'm so a night owl. As evidenced by the time stamp on this comment. ;)
I've been a night owl all my life, but lately I've been waking up fairly early too. Thank goodness for naps! :)
I LOVE nights so much! But the staying up late is not good for me. *sigh*
I am a night person. I hate mornings but my kids have to be at school by 8:10am so I have to get up early. Boo.
I am both - last to bed, first one up - and naps are my best friends!
I've always been a night-owl until this past summer. When I started running again, my body took the notice and sleep came early. Of course, some nights (like last) I stay up to finish a fabulous book. I know I've found a good book when I have to finish it before my eyes close. ;)
I am totally a night person also, but I can get up early if I have to (for doctors appointments and such, I like to avoid the crowds too)
I could stay up all night. I usually go to bed between 11-12, and wak up at 9 AM! Love my work schedule.
Am I the only one whose a middle of the day person? If anything I want to be a morning person, but I love sleep too much, hence, I sleep in if given the opportunity and I can't stay up past midnight for the life of me. Usually I go to bed at 10:00.
I'm normally a night owl. However, I have to get up at 5:15, so I can go to work in the morning. I try to go to bed around 9:30, so I get enough sleep. But, depending on homework, I don't always get to bed until midnight. O_o
This is tough one because I think I am both. I am like you and stay up late just so I can have time to myself to get things done as well and since lately Ethan really doesn't go to bed until 10pm, I fee like my "me" time hasn't started until he is asleep. But on the other hand, I CANNOT sleep past 7:30am no matter how hard I try. I seem to have more energy and enthusiasm to get things done in the morning. If I haven't done my "to do" items by early afternoon, then it is a lost cause!
I'm a night owl. Its so much easier to stay up until midnight or later than it is to get up before 8.
I stay up late too! I wish I was a morning person too!
um... neither. I don't like getting up early. My body will naturally wake up with the sun very nicely, but if there is an alarm involved then I am not nice.
I don't naturally stay up late either. The past few months I've been up late because of hubby's work schedule, but I usually go to bed around 10:30 when I can.
My most productive hours of the day are from about 9:30-12:30. If it's not done then, chances are it's not happenin'! :)
I love getting up early except since having children, I go to bed late for the "me" time which means I'm tired and try to sleep in. ha like that will happen. Plus Jordan is a late night person, but really, I'd be happy going to bed at 8pm and getting up at 4. Unfortunately, I usually go to bed at 12 and get up at 6 or 7.
It's easier for me to stay up late too!
I used to be a morning person. I used to wake up at 5:30 every day. But then I had kids, and I love our free evenings so much, I don't want them to end.
Hmm.... I go to bed at 10:30, wake up at 6:30 with the babes though 8 is ideal, and nap many an afternoon. I don't think I'm an anything person. Boring middle o' the road I guess.
uh neither? I just want to sleep sleep sleep! I guess 10:30 is kind of early. But I wouldn't call me getting up at 7:00 early morning. If I can sleep in it's usually til 8:00. I'm weird in that I need like, 10 hour of sleep! Of course I'll never get that. Not until Baby Boots sleeps through the night again. The little stinker.
I am a night owl! Although I love when I wake up and get things done in the morning and once I am awake I am happy but the whole staying up in peace and quiet it way too tempting!! :) Found your blog, so great! :)
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