Did you ever have a job you loved?

When I was 15 I worked housekeeping at Snowbird Ski Resort. We only went up the canyon on Saturdays. We'd be put into groups of 4-5. My first pay check, getting to hang out with other kids. Good job!
When I was 16 I got a job at a local skating rink. This wasn't just an ordinary one though. They had waterslides, laser tag and a skateboarding park too. Loud music, fun atmosphere. It felt like a party all the time.
Then when I went off to college I got my first 'grown up' job. A receptionist at an office that catered mostly to faculty. It was a lot of fun and as a little girl I had always dreamed of working as a receptionist.
Tell me: What was your most favorite (paid) job you had?
(Photo borrowed from eHow.com)
I actually really love the job I have now. I am fortunate.
When I was 15-17, I worked at the Hogle Zoo. It was awesome. During my second year I was made an assistant manager (of a food stand), and the third year I was THE manager. I'm not so sure about the idea of putting a 16-17 year old kid in charge like that. We had a lot of good times. :)
Mine was definitely being an Events Planner at the Museum of Arts on BYU campus. I planned weddings, gallery openings, and other parties. It was a high stress/ go-go job where bride-zillas freaked out a lot but I ADORED IT and would do it again in a second. Plus I got to be surrounded by art. What's not to love?
My first job was as a ride operator in Kiddyland at Lagoon. I absolutely loved it. The kids were so much fun to work with and I got to speak Spanish a little bit too.
I also enjoyed being a lab tech at Snow College because I could play on the computer as long as I wanted and work on homework if I needed to.
I have had a handful of jobs that weren't the best but okay such as at Mervyn's, Seven Peaks, Brick Oven, Excavating, babysitter, and a few others. But the one that I really enjoyed was being a teller at Zions Bank. That actually was my last job before I started having kids. The people were great, the hours were great, awesome benefits, never worked on Sundays, always off by 6, never went in before 8 and they loved me! Not to mention that I really enjoy working with money. If I ever go back to work (which will be really soon) I hope to work at a bank again!
I worked at a hotel and college that was pretty fun. Mostly because my coworkers would do lots of fun stuff and pull pranks.
I have fond memories of working for Catering at BYU. Lots of fun with the other kids, yummy leftovers and I got to occasionally work at cool places like the box suites at the football games. (Good luck!!!)
I don't know that I can say I've ever had a job that I 'Loved'. My current job is probably pretty close. Although I've had some interesting jobs and some HORRIBLE ones!
so many great ones to choose from. i loved working at the byu library because i did homework the whole time and always got asked out for the weekends ;-).
and teaching piano is pretty great also, for a number of reasons.
hope something turns up soon for you.
Hi Debbie! I'm Kayla's sister and I've started lurking on your blog since the cake decorating contest! So, I thought I'd be kind and fuel your comment addiction! I've had some very random jobs in my long lifetime! Some of my favorites have been Face Painting, Baskin Robbins (I made the ice cream cakes!), Jamba Juice on BYU campus, and wearing the jewelry at Goldsmith Jewelers in Provo... that job was actually really stressful for me because I can't sell food to a starving billionaire, but I liked the jewelry! That's all!
My favorite job was working for the movie theatre. Lots of fun friends and free movies. Does it get better?
I actually really like secretary jobs because even though I can't organize my house, I kick butt at organizing an office. And I love office supplies. But my favorite job was when I taught Spanish at BYU- so fun.
I loved working at Promised Valley Playhouse as an usher (when I was 17). I had friends in the ticket office who would tell me when local celebs were attending events, so I knew which entrance to request to "accidentally" meet them. That's how I met President Hinckley and his wife.
My first job when I turned 16 is still the same job I have today. I guess I am what they call a lifer!
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