Monday, January 31, 2011

Marriage Monday: Laugh Some More (Men's Brain Women's Brain)

A couple years ago we were visiting my parents house and my dad and mom couldn't stop talking about this fun show they'd just gotten. They brought it up several times over the course of the evening so before we left we made sure to start watching it. We enjoyed it so much we've watched the entire series a few times (4 discs worth, so thats saying something).

Today I'm sharing with you an excerpt of Mark Gungor's Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage Seminar.

I share this video for a few reasons
  1. It's Monday and you probably need a laugh.
  2. Life is better when you laugh.
  3. Marriage is better when you laugh together.
  4. He's got some interesting points that are valid.

Did you catch yourself nodding your head?
Does any of this ring true with you?

This video is from Laugh Your Way To A Better Marriage Seminar by Mark Gungor
You can find more information and see a few other videos on his website Laugh Your Way

Find my other Marriage Monday posts here.


Anonymous said...

That was hilarious. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed that. I don't think Scott has a "nothing" box though. That's boy can not just sit & do "nothing." It's hard for him to even sit & watch TV. Maye there's something wrong with him & I should have him checked out.

wendy said...

How fun to read you blog. I think blogs are fun.
good post.......laughter pretty much SAVES THE WORLD

Rochelle Brunson said...

awesome, thanks Debbie!

Jana H. said...

Great link. Totally true!

Olivia Carter said...

Scott & I are big proportionate of laughing and smiling together.

Love the marriage posts!

Cranberryfries said...

Thanks for stopping by you guys!

Kayla said...

Too funny! I love being able to compare the way women and men think and communicate!

Heidi said...

That sure is a good dvd. I checked to see if by chance Netflix carries it. They don't. But it was fun to watch that funny bit again.