I remember when I was little, say elementary school little, looking forward to ABC's lovely Friday night TV line up. TGIF was good to me then. I know their four slotted shows changed around a few times but for the most part they were all pretty good. Full House, Family Matters, Step by Step, Hangin' with Mr. Cooper, Dinosaurs, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and my personal favorite Boy Meets World. I mean could it get any better than that?

Today, my friends, is Ben Savage's 30th birthday. So I figured it was only fitting to remember some good times from the show.

Being a male-point-of-view show, and seeing as how boy crazy I was back the, I'm sure only made me like it more!
Plus how cute was Corey and Topanga's first kiss? Kinda reminds me of my first kiss. Only it wasn't at school. And he wasn't handcuffed to a locker. And I didn't have super long hair.

I always had a crush on him. Those were the days.
I looked forward to Friday nights every week due to TGIF.....man, I miss those days. I cried when Full House went off the air. Do you remember the show "Teen Angel"....I liked that one too (plus, the main character was LDS, so I really thought he was dreamy).
Haha. I totally watched TGIF every Friday too! :) Thanks for the trip down memory lane! :)
Wow-the memories that pop up right as I saw that first picture were awesome. I used to love that show! So much so that I wanted to be on it. I wanted to come on the show as Matt Lawrence's girlfriend:)'
Too funny! I always think of both you and Jessica (do you know her?) when I think of Boy Meets World....which is often. ;) I just found Saved By the Bell reruns yesterday morning and I am in heaven!!
Love, Love, LOVE TGIF! Thanks for the trip down memory lane!
Those truly were the days! I remember TGIF tv. It was the best! Boy Meets World was one of my favorites too!
Fun memories. Thanks.
Oh man, OLD SCHOOL! Good ol' TGIF! Do they still have that? I didn't watch it a ton, but I sure did like it when I did.
Wish they still did a TGIF thing. We used to stay home and watch, while my parents went out. We loved those shows. Oh, and one called Rescue 911. Those were the days! And it is nice to know that I was not the only one obsessed with those shows!
I love that show too! Scott still has a crush on Tapanga!
I loved Boy Meets World! It is so weird to think of "Corey" as a 30 year old (said the 32 year old lady). Haha! ;)
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