Happy Mothers Day!
So dear, wonderful, awesome readers, I'd like to give you all some gifts! Literally that just isn't feasible but I'm going to do my best!
Up for grabs today is:
Chocolate Never Faileth
by Annette Lyon
With over 125 great recipes.
And guess what, it's even SIGNED! Great right?!
Mixed, melted, molded, drizzled, piped, curled, or grated, you’re sure to find the right tantalizing recipe to fill every chocolate lover’s dreams."

Additional entries:
(I will be using random.org to pick the winner so it is in your best interest to leave a separate comment for each entry.)
+ Check out Annette's blog and tell me you did (or tell me something awesome you saw/read).
+ Become a fan of Annette's facebook page.
+ Tweet about this contest. (You can copy/paste this: I just entered to win Chocolate Never Faileth by @AnnetteLyon from @Cranberryfries http://bit.ly/kDzfLq .) ONE ENTRY PER DAY you tweet this!
+ Share this contest on your facebook page.
+ Be a follower of this blog.
Contest ends: May 9th 2011.
It's so hard to pick a favorite dessert!!! Maybe chocolate covered strawberries.
Also, you didn't say this was an extra entry, but it's my birthday, so I think I should get an extra one anyway:)
Oh you tempt a girl just saying chocolate! What a fun book!
Thanks for the super awesome giveaway!
Just went to her website. I forgot she did the book Band of Sisters. Now that one is added back to the list of things to read, eventually.
And I loved all her tips about her kids and helping them learn to love reading. Some of those tips are things I need to start doing!
Favorite Dessert? Caramel filled chocolate cookies. I can't stop eating them.
I just went to her website and watched the video on on to make tiger tails. Adorable!
Totally just blogged about your awesome giveaway!
It's so hard to pick a favorite dessert. I'm pretty much a sucker for cupcakes of any kind, so I'll have to go with that!
I'm a follower of your blog! I love it!
A favorite dessert? I really need to pick one? Well, I do like chocolate chip cookies....and ice cream.
Oh, love, love, love. Great giveaway! I'll bet this is a great cookbook! Just what a need more ways to consume chocolate! :)
I like that she has a grammar post. I like correct grammar (even though I know I don't use correct grammar all the time, which also bugs me). For example, did you know that "snuck" is not a word? Eg. "Last week, I snuck into the movie theater". The correct way to say it is "Last week, I sneaked into the movie theater." So many people say "snuck" that I thought it was a word until I typed it into Word and it was red-lined. I had to Google it. Oh and "nother"....yeah, that's a whole "nother" issue that bothers me. :)
I follow your blog.
I LOVE dessert. But hands down, my alltime fav. is cheesecake. Most specifically, Red Velvet Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory. Just can't beat that!
I also follow your blog!
I checked out Annette's blog. She's such a grammar nut. It's good that someone is! :)
I just tweeted!
I mentioned this on facebook!
I am now a fan of Annett's facebook page! I know. I did everything. Can you tell I'd like this prize? :)
Checked Annette's Blog-love it.
Fan on facebook.
Follower of your blog.
Toffee Bars
2 1/2 cups flour
2/3 cup light brown sugar
3/4 cup butter (nelted)
1 egg slightly beaten
2 cups milk choco. chips
1 can sweeten con. milk
1 3/4 cups toffe bits
Grease 9x13 pan and heat oven to 350.
Stir flour and b. sugar
Cut in melted butter
Add egg and mix well
Stir in 1 1/2 cups choco chips
Reserve 1 1/2 cups mixture. Pour rest into pan and press down. Bake for 10 minutes.
Pour sweetened con milk over hot crust.
Top with toffee bits and sprinkle remaining mixture and last 1/2 cup of choco chips on top.
Bake 25-30 minutes. Allow to cool completely for the best taste.
I follow your blog.
Have to be a mood thing, so since I'm currently on a fresh kick, I pick strawberries! MMMmm, plump, sweet, chilled. Delicious.
pie!!!! banana creme pie!
or magic bars
or snickers
or snickers salad, or chocolate
man i miss sweets!
Her blog looks awesome, I'll have to look around some more because there are lots of fun things on it.
I don't know if I could pick just one favorite dessert! Probably some sort of pie...
A love a few bites of marshmellow creme, sometime a strawberry on top.
I tweeted about this giveaway!
My favorite dessert is chocolate trifle.
I tweeted - https://twitter.com/ps152/status/66913027974365184
I saw that she's got a lot of amazing books that she's written.
Wow, to pick one is pretty much near IMPOSSIBLE. Um, my homemade chocolate truffles are my favorite...right now...because I haven't made them for awhile. :D
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