Ah we've entered that fun stage where school is over and now hubby is on the lookout for a job (actually more of a career). Which of course means tons of applications and interviews. I dont know anyone who enjoys this process. So dear husband all I have to say is good luck!
Good luck! I hope he finds something soon. As much as job hunting is not fun, I look forward to Adam getting to that point in a few years. :)
Exciting. I think I actually do like looking for a job. I love change. When I was single, i think I moved like 10 times in 8 years because I just liked change. I'm going crazy living in the same place for 2+ years.
Amelia you've proven me wrong! I like change (rearranging my house) but I dont like the unknown (not knowing what state or area we'll end up in).
Good luck!! Is it wrong of me to hope you find something wonderful near me?!?!
Good luck to Tarl. And let me know if he'd like me to review his resume. I learned all the tricks working at the career center last semester, and boy, does it make a difference.
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