Anyone in the mood for a giveaway? Cause I sure am! Donald Carey has kindly offered one of my lucky readers to win a copy of Bumpy Landings. You can check out my review here.

To enter: Leave a comment.
Extra entries: (Each worth 1 entry. Please leave a separate comment for each entry.)
+ Watch the book trailer below and tell me something fun about it or just give props to Don for all his mad lego man skills.
+ Tweet about this contest "I entered to win Bumpy Landings by @writerdc over on @cranberryfries blog " (You can do this once every day. Please copy/paste link(s).)
+ Add this book to your Goodreads 'to-read' list
+ Be a follower of my blog
Contest ends April 18th. Winner announce April 19, 2011.
Ooh, a new book. How fun. I need a new read for a drive we are taking next month. :)
Oh, and I follow your blog.
I'm always in the mood for a new book!!
Here's my official entry comment. :) I really want to win this book. Every time I see Don I plan to buy a copy but my budget is not permitting such things right now.
I follow your blog now (thought I had already but I wasn't so I fixed that). I tweeted about the contest. I already have the book on my Goodreads to-read list, and I love, love, love the genius lego trailer! Makes me laugh every time I watch it. :)
The best Lego video ever - full of fun and awesomeness!
- Add Bumpy Landings to your Goodreads to-read list...check!
(So hoping to win this book, then I can begin reading it sooner!)
- Become a Follower...check!
(I thought I already was, too! I guess I've just been a Lurker!)
One of my favorite scenes in the trailer is probably the simplest...when the two of them are kissing in the ocean. Cracks me up!
- Tweet about this contest...check! (It's under bellarocks.)
- Leave a comment...check! (I know I'm doing this upside-down and inside-out - is today Monday?!)
Comment: I love, love, LOVE you and your blog, Debbie! (The truth, not just a kiss-up for the contest!)
Oh, and one more thing about the trailer - LOVE the music!
That is all.
am always up for a new book! Thanks for the chance.
the lego addict in me (I know, I just admitted to being a lego geek... so sue me) fully enjoyed that! the kissing in the ocean scene did crack me up though :)
oh... generic comment entry... here you are...
what? no, what I meant to say was that I'm always up for a book... especially when I don't have to eke the $ out of my grocery budget!
and, I'm a follower - :)
Love the legos. Very creative.
You had me at Legos.
And I'm now a follower.
Retweeted @virgbell
Cute trailer! I would love to get the book!
I tweeted again today!
Pick me! Pick me!
The trailer was hilarious! Props for the props.
This book has been on my Goodreads list since you posted your review. Just haven't had time to get it from the library yet.
I am a follower of your blog. Have been from the start.
I don't tweet but I do facebook. Can I facebook about this for another entry?
Absolutely Christie!
I am amazed at that video and the creativity and patience he must have for making it. Awesome video.
This is my first entry....
Oops, I did it out of order, sorry.
I'm a follower!!!
- Another day, another Tweet! (Just because you ARE tho thweet!)
- And another Tweet for you today!
- Is a Sunday Tweet legal? Hope so! Can you tell that I really, really want to win this book? :b
- Final day, final Tweet! Bet you're glad about that, huh?
Re: "Be a follower of my blog." I am such a goof - I "followed" your blog, then it hit me today that I should "follow" you on Twitter. So I did! Now I'm following you you feel like you're being stalked?! ;)
Love a good book!
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