A few of you may know that I was on Bree Despain's street team for The Dark Divine so I got the opportunity to meet with Bree a few times and even had her come out to my book club last year.
Well I couldn't pass up the chance again when The Lost Saint came out.
My cute friends Shauna and Emily helped me out in planning this fun party! Here's a little taste of what we did.
(If you've read the book hopefully you'll get more of the details we threw in there.)

A group shot of us girls clubbing at The Depot.
You may notice a few extra folks. Nancy kindly brought a version of the Markham Street Monster (plus they fit in nicely with our Halloween theme in the other room) and the other boys in the picture were there volunteering in one of the booths you'll see later.
First things first. In order to get into The Depot we needed our card key to gain access. Nancy was up to her tricky ways again and brought us each one of these snazzy necklace key cards to wear!

We had a few booths for our street fair carnival party. :) This one was palm reading.
Another booth. Trunk or Treat as mentioned in the book. A fun variation of Trick Or Treating.
I think this was my favorite. The Kissing Booth. We had a few Hollywood actor cutouts we had dressed to play Daniel and Talbot as guests in our kissing booth. And the treats were cool minty and hot cinnamon. :)
Our make and take booth was bedazzled stake bookmarks.

Did I mention that my name appears in the book?
That was so much fun! Thanks for the invite. :)
Sounds like so much fun! You guys are so great, doing all sorts of fun stuff! Love it!
TOO fun! We'll have to have another one to celebrate Bree and her third book in the series, okay?!
Love the themed parties. Those bedazzled stakes cracked me up. The cleverness continues to rock with you girls.
It looks like you had a great time. I was so sad I couldn't make it. But, I'm sure you guys were happier I didn't come so I didn't get you sick too. :)
I'm glad everything went so well. The decorations and stations are so cool! I love that Nancy brought key card necklaces and the Markham Street Monster. So funny!
Man, you guys are crazy clever...
I honestly thought this was going to be a post about Home Depot :)
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