"Love demands action if it is to be continuing. Love is a process."
--Marvin J. Ashton
I think, when this quote was spoken he meant being active in general (there's a lot to be said for a couple or person who recognizes this and isn't lazy in their relationships). Action is action.
But it got me wondering, Have you thought about what sort of action your spouse would most appreciate? Perhaps a little knowledge on The Love Languages would help maximize make your efforts.
Image found on google images.
Like you said, I think action is action, but for those actions to be truly appreciate, I think each spouse needs to hone in on their spouse's wants or likes. Great quote and thought question.
I think in all aspects of life it's important to never be passive but always deliberate. It's a motto of mine. SO TRUE in marriage!
I love your comments Jenni & Olivia! Thanks!
It took me about two decades to catch onto what makes my husband really feel loved. Simple things like making him breakfast on the weekend are super important to him. This is actually harder for me than you might think since I grew up with more of a "fend for yourself" attitude on weekends. I'm just sad that it took me so long to figure it out.
I finally looked into the love languages... and it turns out I'm even distributed across all but one... which happens to be the ONE that ManOfTheHouse was strongest in...
which I knew... but it's reminding me to try a little harder :)
gotta love those "love languages." i think i have a bunch of different languages to me. interesting interesting:)
My hubby is touch... and there is nothing in the world he loves more than a good back massage. :)
Great post. It was somthing that I needed to read at this juncture in my life. I also need to get my hands on that book--looks like a trip to the book store is in order this week!!
I think most men are similar in what makes them happy...
Good food, great sex, and knowing how much their family appreciates and loves them. Remember these things, and you'll have a happy marriage. ;-)
It is so easy to please my husband and the one thing that pleases him unbelievably is when I smile at him. JUST * SMILE. A tiny thing I haven't been doing lately. Oddly enough, a few days ago, when I realized my selfishness, I broke out into smiles and haven't stopped since. Joe responds in kind, and happily.
i love that book. lucky for me, don only has one love language: physical touch. he's so simple, so easy to please. i on the other hand...
My husband wants to be taken care of, some of the little things that he never really had as a kid. And when he's happy, he's much more willing to do the things that make me happy.
Okay, when are you posting the cake contest?? I'm dying to see the entries!
Brice and I both scored highest in Quality Time. After seeing those results we've planned an all day date to Six Flags for later this month! Yippee!
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